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About Me

First off, I'm not sure how you found me within this big giant thing called the Internet, but I'm glad you did. 

I'm Caroline, but only people from elementary school really refer to me that way. You may call me Milo - it's my last name. Please just NEVER call me Carol. I'm a 21 year old girl from the big scarlet and grey, Columbus, Ohio. Although that's my hometown, I'm currently a student attending the University of Cincinnati, studying Interior Architecture with a certificate in Journalism. ​


For quite a while now I've desired to start a blog. And finally, here I am, four days out of my ankle surgery, sitting on my bed, writing "about me." There are two things I honestly love the most in life (besides family and food). And these are the things, I believe, that make my life worth living. They're traveling and art (writing, dancing, music, drawing, etc). They both express every human's emotions. They're the things we can release to. Traveling and art consistently bring out unique qualities within everybody, simultaneously, with the beauty of the world. And, they have always been a huge part of my life.


Travel - my dad is a pilot - so you can probably guess where this is going...we travel a LOT. And MAN, oh Man... I love to travel. Thinking about it excites me so much I could run a marathon EASILY with the thought of what history and culture I'd learn about next, what grounds in a far away, unknown, land I will walk on next, what weird and cool people I'll connect with next. 

My first time across the country was in second grade. We went to Beijing, China. Amazing time... and huugggee culture shock. Especially for a tiny, blonde hair and blue eyed, Ohioan girl. It wasn't until I entered High School though, that my family and I began traveling at the rate we go now. We began by adventuring to London, and the next year to Paris for my 16th birthday. After that it was Italy, Belgium, and Germany multiple times, then Switzerland, and Holland.

Many more to come.

I'm proud to say that it has been some of the most eye opening experiences in my life. 

I'm a huge advocate for everyone needing to travel. You learn so so much that you simply just can't in a classroom. Don't get me wrong, school is extremely important, but sometimes you need to experience life to truly learn about it. 


Art - I grew up playing the piano, taking hours on hours of dance lessons, and with a big brother. Wait, hoowww does an older brother play into this? Well, you see, when I was still too young to play any sports but old enough to annoy my parents, I was pulled along to allll of Nick's events/ practices. To entertain myself, I brought my craft kit. It was a big rectangular, plastic, purse like thing... filled with watercolors, pastels, markers... that smell TERRIBLE I might add, and pencils of all types. I brought it everywhere, and colored everywhere. I taught myself how to "art" essentially. And here I am, now majoring in a field immersed in it, having different works accepted into fairs and competitions, and having been asked multiple times by my teachers "did you ever take a professional class?" Nope, just multiple tennis, football, baseball, and soccer games that a young sis entertained herself at. 


I'm sure you've noticed that I ramble on and on. I get it from my mom (thanks Mom, love you). But, I LOVE to connect with people. That's mainly why, I think, I talk so much. I genuinely want to know what you could die for (Elizabeth's dark chocolate), what you absolutely hate, what makes you unique... what makes you cry. I love when people share a part of themselves with me, and I think ultimately that's why I started this blog. To connect with others of all ages, across the world 24/7. And I hope it works. And I hope you stick around for a while. I hope you enjoy this more than I could imagine. And I hope it inspires you in some way.

Thanks for reading.



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