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Starting With the Beginning... Beijing, China

Updated: Apr 16, 2018

Do you ever just dream of the places you've been and the places you're bound to go? My life sometimes feels like a repeating reverie. I'm always thinking, learning, dreaming, imagining.

Yesterday I was finishing my portfolio and listed in it places I've been and thought "WOW. Have I rEaLlY bEeN tHeRe?!?!" I swear I pinch myself when traveling. These experiences are more than memories with loved ones and learning experiences. They're inspiration for my artwork, my writing, and it's about time with this blog that I share with my loyal readers a piece of the world.

Yes, this is my older brother, Nick, and I in Beijing in 2006. CRAZY right? This was my first time out of the country ever. And, it was quite the culture shock. The simple truths I had grown up believing, went haywire.

Each month or every other week (I haven't exactly figured out how often I should write these snippets) I'll be posting a small story or two of my experience in different places I've traveled. And so... it only made sense to start with the beginning... Beijing, China.

THROWING IT BACK TO 2006. At the time I honestly don't think I even understood the concept of traveling. I didn't completely comprehend the reason behind different languages, different cultures, different food, different customs, etc. I'm pretty sure I thought China was going to be like Colorado, or Florida and that I'd be able to order my regular meal choice of chicken fingers. Because, it had to be something between the two, rIgHt? That's all I had to compare it to at that point. *Drinking out of a water bottle and never tap, everyday?* Okay, sure. "Nick go bargain the price" - my Dad. *Is that like a sale or something!?!?* I was any normal 8 year old American girl. Blonde, blue eyed, small, cute, chubby, but very curious.


My first major memory I'll share -- the plane. This plane was unlike ANYTHING I had ever seen. We flew on a double decker over to Beijing. Lucky for me, my grandmother and I went to the restroom mid flight and passed the steps up to the second floor. I sprinted over to quickly steal a glance... and probably against my grandma's approval. I remember thinking that the passengers were boring -- all were sleeping the ride away. Although, I was slightly disappointed by this, I was still fascinated by the fact a plane could have a second level. After sitting back down my father talked up stories of Santa Claus to me... we were bound to pass the North Pole on this flight. As we kept getting closer and closer, he'd remind me of that fact. By the time we flew over the North Pole I was ready to leap out of my seat. He told me how if I were to look out the window I might have a chance to see the toy-making factories. I looked.

"Be my sister" --

If you could recall, the 2008 Olympics were held in Beijing. So, lucky us, we got to see the GINORMOUS countdown board. However, something unusual happened next.

Soon after this picture of Nick and I above, two young women came up to us insisting for a picture. At first we thought they meant to take one of them in front of the board, however later realized they meant with us. It was a weird moment to feel special for something I had never thought would be cool to someone else... It was odd being the *odd* one here.

But now I can relate, for whenever I meet someone who is from some place in Europe I instantly bombard them with questions and categorize them with ~cool~ people... AS IF they had a choice where they were born, and as if it really matters... Still, I always get excited to talk to someone from across the world.

Anyways, the picture of us with the two women is shown below. I remember after this, they specifically insisted on getting a picture with me since I was blonde and blue eyed. Writing this, I'm having a flashback to them joking around saying, "Be my sister, be my sister!" And my Dad, mildly concerned they'd take me. *rolls eyes*

The rest of the memories I'd like to keep to myself and within my family, for I like the personal jokes with them only we can understand. But, since pictures are worth a thousand words and this post wasn't a lot of writing... I'll post some more pics down below to show the rest of the stories.

dinner at the hotel

the funny thing about the Great Wall of China picture is that I lost one of the puffs to my hat I have on in them... and later we used the pictures of my brother and I running around that day to figure out when and where it had fallen off

MAJOR tbt to when Nick was still shorter than our Dad.. HA

I hope you enjoyed the snippets and I can assure you there will be more to come as I've always been excited to share. Please keep messaging me stories of your own travels or thoughts through this website... I always love to hear them.




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