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We Got London On Da Track

Sorta. We sort of do. This post is dedicated to my Freshman year (HS) trip to London, England and the memories my younger brother, father, and I made there.

Yep. So here I am CLEARLY kissing THE Harry Styles. Unfortunately, it's just the wax statue but a girl can dream. I wouldn't like to think about all the other people whom have kissed this same cheek of his.. for just many reasons... and how often this cheek may or may not be cleaned. BUT it's really fine and I'm here today still a live and well. So, it was worth it.

And here we are. London was my second trip out of the country, but was quite a different experience than Beijing. From second grade until freshman year we hadn't gone farther than Colorado or Florida for a trip. The last time I had been across seas, I was blonde, extremely tiny, and so very naive. London wasn't nearly as much a culture shock to my 13 year old self as Beijing had been to my 7 year old self. So, here in this blog I've compiled a few memories about this trip.

Squirrels. The WEIRDEST part of London was within the exchange of squirrels, local nut venders, and tourist. My father, brother and I were all walking through Hyde Park when our mouths symoltaneously began to water at the smell of warm roasted nuts. If you don't know, when touring a city all day in the chilly air... warm vendor nuts smell and TASTE like absolute heaven. The sweat aroma of the toasted, sugary, almonds, draws you in. But, we soon found out that we wouldn't be the only ones sharing our bag of goodies.

Around us as we kept walking, Jason started to point out people in the fields running around with squirrels. We stopped and gazed at couples or kids and other locals as they reached down their thighs with a single nut it their grasp... across the park a squirrel would crawl over and UP THE PERSON'S LEG to grab the nut and later scurry away. Jason's tiny 7 years old jaw dropped FAR down to the floor. "DAD!! I WANT ONE TO GIVE TO THE SQUIRREL. PLEASE OH MY GOSH" Jason, you see, has always had a fasination with smaller animals... typically seagulls... as he used to call them "arfs" before he knew them by their real English name. But, I also don't blame a little 7 year old to almost DIE wanting to feed the rodents that steal the tomatoes out of our gardens at home... just because it is definitely not something you see here in the States. I myself even partook in the activity and for a bit, wished myself to be 7 year old in a foreign land. One difference-- and you wonder if you're on Mars. LONG story short, we ended up buying two more bags of vendor almonds. (absolutely a smart investment)

For my second memory, I'm going to share about the flowers in the Westminister Abbey yards. Supposedly, we had decided to travel on a holiday weekend. Veterans Day weekend. On morning I remember walking around and seeing almost every individual with a poppy flower on their jacket, shirt, or backpack. Supposedly it used to be named Armistice day, but after the Korean War they changed. For remembrance of all Veterans. Late at night after Jack the Ripper Tour (so touristy, I know), we had kept wandering around London on the way back to the hotel and stumbled upon the site.

It was mournfully stunning. Crosses with flowers, we even saw some individuals place them there. It made me wonder if it were for someone specific. Relative or friend, either or... both are near and dear to the heart.

During the Trip we checked out all the other notable spots, like Big Ben, and the Eye. Supposedly Big Ben is undergoing some renovations for a couple years, so it is not recommended one goes there right now. But, in a few, definitely have London on your bucket list. For a sophisticated and classy break, it's the perfect vibe.



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